Deliver Me
Tonight's blog post is brought to you by: self-loathing.
I'm trying to wrap my mind around a certain set of circumstances and I hear myself cry out, God, deliver me! Now, mind you, conversations between me and the Lord, granted, they are mostly one-sided, are not uncommon. On a near daily basis I ask the Almighty for several things: to deliver me from financial stresses, to deliver me the perfect man (not a perfect man, just the perfect man for me) and for his continued blessings on my family. Yes, I said continued. I am not blind to the fact that despite my current state in life, I am blessed beyond measure. Far better off than some, not as much as others. One thing I do not, under any circumstances every ask Him for: patience! Bleh! Yet He has seen fit to throw patience upon me in heaps. Lord, I don't mean to sound unthankful, but... I don't want it! Return to sender! I'm done with patience! Finished! I've practiced patience aplenty; all I could ever need, and then some! I don't need the patience of a flat tire! Though I am thankful it was only a few blocks from home and not in the middle of nowhere. And even more grateful for the stranger who noticed me sobbing in my car, and carefully approached me with her offer to help, restoring my faith that there are still good people in the world. Oh, I get it now. The lesson wasn't patience... the lesson was learning to reach out to others for help! Somewhere in the Good Book I'm sure it is written that I should expect great things, and great things will come. Expect nothing, get nothing. Right? He has great things planned for me. Lord, I am ready to take delivery!
Lord, Deliver Me... deliver me from the worldly things that cause me stress, they are only temporary and not worth the trouble.... deliver me someone to share my life with.. and deliver me your continued blessings so that I can be a blessing to others.
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