If you read my previous post you know I'm a cat owner. We have five cats, to be exact. Now, I prefer they use the great big litter box mother nature provided (sorry Mrs. Pederson). But not wanting to start a war with any of my neighbors I do provide them a litter box. After trial and error, and error, and error, I finally settled on Petco Scoopable Cat Litter. It comes in a nifty refillable container and Petco offers a reduced price on the refill versus buying a whole new container. Great concept. I'm totally on board. I'm saving money AND helping the environment. Sign me up!
That is until recently when Petco decided to try and pull a fast one. It put the new container on sale for less than the refill. No problem. I'll play along. My bucket was getting a little warn. Plus they had come up with a new, better bucket. So I left the store that day with two buckets; the one I had brought in to refill. It was empty. And a nice new bucket of litter I got on sale.
How does the old saying go? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! I made my weekly trip to Petco to get my refill of litter and lo and behold, the sale was still on. Well if you know anything about me, you can imagine where this is going.
Let's digress for just a minute. The point of the refillable kitty litter was to save money and help the environment. If I have to keep buying a new container to get the cheaper price, I'm not really doing all that much to save the environment. Sure I'm saving money. But this was supposed to be a win-win situation. How is the environment winning if I'm sending all of these perfectly good containers to a landfill?
So, I said, uh-uh, no way, not this time. I refilled MY refillable container and made my way to the check-out where I told the clerk I wanted her to ring it up at the "new" container price. She did what I asked and I left the store happy.
Today I made my weekly trip to Petco to refill the kitty litter. I found the "new" price was still cheaper than the "refill" price. But no worries, right. I've got it all worked out under a previous agreement made last week. I made my way to the register where the clerk asked me "is this a new container or a refill?" I said, its a refill, but you can ring it up at the "new" price. She looked at me like I'd lost my mind. She wasn't going to do it. But she could see I wasn't going to sway on my decision not to be duped into paying a higher price. She kindly informed me that she would only do it "just this once." To which I proceeded to tell her how stupid it was that Petco would offer the refill at a higher price than the new container, thus defeating the purpose of the refillable container... which is to SAVE MONEY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. GEESH, is that so hard to understand?
I walked out, refill in hand, savings in my wallet. I can't wait to see what happens next week.
That is until recently when Petco decided to try and pull a fast one. It put the new container on sale for less than the refill. No problem. I'll play along. My bucket was getting a little warn. Plus they had come up with a new, better bucket. So I left the store that day with two buckets; the one I had brought in to refill. It was empty. And a nice new bucket of litter I got on sale.
How does the old saying go? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! I made my weekly trip to Petco to get my refill of litter and lo and behold, the sale was still on. Well if you know anything about me, you can imagine where this is going.
Let's digress for just a minute. The point of the refillable kitty litter was to save money and help the environment. If I have to keep buying a new container to get the cheaper price, I'm not really doing all that much to save the environment. Sure I'm saving money. But this was supposed to be a win-win situation. How is the environment winning if I'm sending all of these perfectly good containers to a landfill?
So, I said, uh-uh, no way, not this time. I refilled MY refillable container and made my way to the check-out where I told the clerk I wanted her to ring it up at the "new" container price. She did what I asked and I left the store happy.
Today I made my weekly trip to Petco to refill the kitty litter. I found the "new" price was still cheaper than the "refill" price. But no worries, right. I've got it all worked out under a previous agreement made last week. I made my way to the register where the clerk asked me "is this a new container or a refill?" I said, its a refill, but you can ring it up at the "new" price. She looked at me like I'd lost my mind. She wasn't going to do it. But she could see I wasn't going to sway on my decision not to be duped into paying a higher price. She kindly informed me that she would only do it "just this once." To which I proceeded to tell her how stupid it was that Petco would offer the refill at a higher price than the new container, thus defeating the purpose of the refillable container... which is to SAVE MONEY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. GEESH, is that so hard to understand?
I walked out, refill in hand, savings in my wallet. I can't wait to see what happens next week.
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