Today someone accused me of being lazy. Someone who doesn't know me outside the 24 hours a week she works with me, accused me of being lazy. Let me tell you just how NOT lazy I am. At present I work a 40 hour week. I'm not bragging or complaining. I'm just making a statement of fact. I work a 40 hour week at my paying job. Then I come home to my non-paying job; wife and mother to Sean and Katie.
This is a typical day: Somewhere between my overnight shift at Good Morning Arizona and when my kids get home from school I squeeze in a nap, usually three to four hours. Then it's homework, housework, and getting dinner on the table. My evenings are spent cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, and hanging out with the kids; taking care of last minute notes for school, making sure everyone has lunch money, clean clothes to wear the next day, etc. If I'm lucky I have a few minutes to watch TV. Then I try to squeeze in another nap, one or two hours before heading out the door to work around midnight.
My weekends consist of 15 to 20 loads of laundry. Planning meals for the upcoming week. Going to the grocery store. And special projects around the house that I don't have time for during the week. Oh, and hanging out with he kids. Maybe catch a movie, go to the mall. Sometimes we just stay home, order pizza and rent a movie. I try to get the kids and I to church on Sunday's. We usually have a nice big early afternoon lunch. Then it's off to bed for me around five o'clock for a nice long six hour snooze before starting another week of short naps when and where I can get them.
Lazy, I think not. Thanks to my parents I have a strong work ethic.
I got my first real paying job when I was 15. As a waitress. My friends mother owned the restaurant. I wanted to work there so bad I offered to work for free. For tips actually. Which I did for about two weeks. Then she decided to hire me. Three dollars an hour. That's what I made. Plus tips of course. So at 15 I went to school all day, then after school went to my job as a waitress where I worked until nine, sometimes ten o'clock at night. Then I still had to come home and do homework.
In fact, I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't work. Excluding the year after my daughter was born. But my pregnancy had been so fraught with complication it was a miracle either one of us survived it. I needed to take a year to recover and enjoy being with my daughter.
And I won't even go into what it took for me to complete my college education. Now you talk about work? That was!
And I'd be remiss not to mention the work involved in being the daughter of aging parents. My dad is 75 and my mom is turning 71 in a few days. My dad has a sleu of health problems that need constant monitoring. And my mother is dying from a degenerative brain disease.
So yes, it pains me to be told by a single-twenty-something that I'm lazy. I know when I was twenty-something I didn't have a clue about the real world. I wish I could go back and tell my twenty-something self to grow-up. But I can't. I can't even tell this twenty-something to grow-up. What I can do is wish her well on her journey and pray that God blesses her just as he has blessed me with so many things to keep me busy.... so I don't have the chance to be lazy.