Thursday, February 26, 2009

On Having a Migraine

My new year's resolution has fallen by the wayside, thanks to this migraine I've had for a month now. I can count on one hand the number of days since January 27th that I haven't been sick. Not only has my weekly blogging gone by the wayside, so has a lot of other things; like personal hygiene, watching the news.... living... in general. For the better part of the last month I've been holed up in my bedroom where it's nice and dark and quiet and cool. I had my husband help me install cardboard over the windows to insure no light would creep in. This should put to rest any questions at all about my being a vampire. The only thing missing from my bedroom is a coffin.

A friend of mine recently said "yeah for dads!" No kidding! About a week into this misery I called my dad for help. He drove all night, 600 miles, from California to get here. Bless his heart. He has looked after me and the kids. Shuffled me to doctors appointments. Picked my daughter up from school everyday. Made sure we're all properly fed. I don't know what we would've done without him. Yes, even big girls need their daddies every once in a while.

As for this migraine, it's unrelenting. I was able to get a reprieve for a few days thanks to a cocktail of stadol, toradol, and phenergan. Trips to the doctor for injections of toradol have yielded little to no results. I've noticed in recent days my symptoms are getting worse. My balance is off. And I can scarcely get out a sentence that actually makes sense. My kids find it hilarious that their usually well-spoken mom is now sounding like a buffoon. I've tried not to let on that it worries me.

Maybe tomorrow's MRI will shed some light on the issue. And God bless my doctor. He was able to get me an appointment with a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic next month. This as opposed to months from now, which was what I had previously been told. Me and 200 other people. Geesh! I could be dead by then. That's ridiculous that someone who's suffering from a migraine, and has been already for a month now, is expected to wait behind 200 other people to see a doctor. I mean, it's ridiculous that any of us have to wait. Aren't there enough doctors around? And if not, why? But that's a blog for another day.

So, now you know where I've been. As I've been laying here for the past month I've thought of so many wonderful things I'd like to write about. I can't wait til I feel better so I can get started.